The Story Of The Four Seasons  Bedtime Stories Story for Teenagers | REAL TIME STORY

From the creation of this world when mankind had just appeared the definition of seasons was not really clear at that time the weather changed without any regulations it was sunny in the morning rainy at noon the wind and the hurricanes appeared in the afternoon and in the evening the snowstorm ruled the world with that severe weather no creature could develop the plants were barren everywhere making everyone so miserable how could we live on with this weather yeah we cannot do anything our plants are barren animals are dying what can we do now only god can help us now at that time in a far away kingdom there lived a poor but kind man named robert after hearing the lamentations of the villagers he determined to go find the way to the sky to help his villagers i have to do something to help them right only god knows how to help my villagers then the young man started his journey to heaven however no one knew where heaven was he decided to climb up to the top of the highest mountain in the region to find the way to heaven robert kept on climbing but he couldn't get to the top he was really exhausted after going halfway he had to sit down and take a rest suddenly he saw an old beggar man who was faint from hunger and thirst with his kind heart he immediately ran towards the old man and took care of him after being taken care of by robert for a while the old man finally revived thank you kind man without you i really don't know what to do it's nothing everyone in my situation would do the same but why are you here in the middle of this high mountain the plants are all barren down there even the animals cannot live i have to come here to get something to eat but i haven't got anything for two days and how about you why are you here i want to get to the top of this mountain to find the way to heaven asking the god to help my villagers escape from their miserable life you're really kind young man i don't have much but maybe this magical beanstalk can help you you only need to sew it to the ground after reaching the top of this mountain it will show you the way to heaven thank you so much it's really great after many struggles robert finally got to the top of the highest mountain he remembered the old man's words then he tried to sew the bean seed to the ground magic really happened the magic beans grew up so fast turning into a giant tree which led to the sky robert was really happy he immediately climbed up to the tree to find the way to heaven and meet the god finally robert got to heaven in front of his eyes there was a magnificent castle hiding behind the beautiful clouds robert happily went to the gate of the castle and knocked on the door suddenly the door opened by itself robert curiously went inside he kept on going until he got to the first room of this castle inside there were plenty of beautiful flowers flourishing plants and the animals were singing together hello young boy nice to meet you what are you doing here hello i'm robert i'm here to find a way to help my villagers escape from the miserable condition the weather down there is so severe all the plants are not able to grow normally really you are so kind you must overcome many struggles before getting here how about visiting my garden for a while you can take a little rest then continue your journey is that okay thank you that's my honor after that the fairy took robert to visit her garden where she had splendid flowers with flourishing fruit trees making him so lusty that he forgot to continue his journey no it's not right i came here to see the god don't spend too much time here the villagers are waiting for me i'm really sorry but i have to go now my villagers are waiting for me after completing the task i will surely come back to visit you it's okay when you stay here a little bit more there will be lots of exciting things waiting for you ahead i'm really sorry but the longer i stay here the more miserable situation my villagers will have to face i cannot let them down so i have to go now what a determining man that's okay i won't keep you here anymore after that she took a green branch out and gave it to robert here is my gift for your determinations when you have some troubles it can help you thank you so much hope to see you again and robert continued his journey this time he came to a room full of red color the air there was really hot it seemed like everything in this room could be burned in just a few seconds who are you what are you here for hello i'm robert i came here to find a way to help our villagers who are really miserable now good i am so lonely now i need someone to befriend with me you will have to stay here i won't allow you to go anywhere but no buts if you don't do it i will burn you robert was really frightened he thought about the way to escape from this room then he tried to talk with the fairy in the red dress the weather in here is too hot is there any way to cool it down don't ask too much you can go anywhere but you are not allowed to leave this room why is that and only you live in this room because i want so there were many creatures here before but they all left me how treacherous they are robert gradually got everything he kept on talking with the girl to find a way to leave this room have you ever thought that because you are so hot tempered that no one dared to stay with you why because of me i didn't do anything you are really hot-tempered making everyone scared of you i used to be like that but luckily i found a way to change myself every time when i get angry i just need to sit there and calm down then think about the happy moments in life then my mood will be much better why don't you try it hearing those reasonable words the fairy tried to sit down and thought about her best moments in life as a miracle the air inside the room became less stuffy the plants started developing and the animals gradually came back the fairy opened her eyes she couldn't believe her own eyes so wonderful and yet i haven't thought about that thank you so much it's nothing i'm really glad when i can help you now you have your friends here please allow me to leave my villagers are waiting for me down there it's okay but before you go i have a gift for you this branch can help you overcome the next challenges on the way finding the god thank you so much hope to see you again the next destination of robert's journey was a room with cool weather there were a lot of trees with golden leaves making a wonderful picture everything was so beautiful that no one could bear to leave just like the previous rooms there was a fairy and a yellow dress who was waiting for robert in the middle of the room hello i'm robert i come hello robert i'm the ruler of this room when you come here you will be my guest just stay here for a year i will warmly welcome you the weather here is comfortable isn't it yes everything here is so comfortable i cannot bear to leave here however there are many people waiting for me see you next time what i treated you so well and you dare to reject my invitation you insolent the fairy swung her hand to cast a spell hurricane suddenly emerged it seemed like it could throw anything on the ground up to the sky it flew toward robert my god what can i do now ah the branch from the first room robert quickly took the green branch from the ferry in the first room out of his bag in the blink of an eye giant trees appeared in front of his eyes to prevent the hurricane i really didn't mean it i'm on my way to find the god asking him to help my miserable villagers if i cannot go back in time they will be put into dangerous troubles please forgive me i promise to come back here right after helping them luckily the fairy understood robert's situation when hearing those words she stopped casting the spell and talked to robert robert i am really sorry for misunderstanding you you are so brave just continue your journey and this is my gift for your bravery maybe it can help you on your own journey as soon as she finished her last words a yellow branch gradually flew towards robert he took it and thanked the fairy no problem thank you so much i will surely come back here and visit you remember it best luck to you but all the things were not over yet this time robert found another room the weather there was so cold the ground was blanketed with white snow making a wonderful scene but this time there was no one waiting for him in that room hello is anyone here i come to find the god if you want to meet the god just climb up to the highest mountain to meet me nothing could make robert discouraged he determined to climb up to that mountain however the higher he climbed the colder he felt robert felt like he was about to freeze but a warmth from his back suddenly transmitted to robert's body it came from the branch of the fairy in the second room from that moment robert was no longer disturbed by the cold but he still had troubles with the snowstorm even when robert tried his best he could hardly move on even a step i can never go to the top of the mountain if everything keeps going like this ah right i still have the branch from the third room after that by using this branch a windshield was immediately created to protect robert from the snowstorm finally after many difficulties robert could reach the top of the mountain there was a fairy and a blue dress waiting for him there robert right you are so courageous i'm the ruler of this room not only that i could watch you whole journey this is the reward for your courage thank you so much however do you know how to meet the god i came here to ask him to help my villagers leave this room go straight then you will be able to meet him finally robert got to the gate of god's palace an angel smiled and welcomed him robert right follow me the god is waiting for you inside robert followed the angel to enter the palace upon arriving robert was so astonished when he saw the man who was sitting on the crown he was the old man who robert had helped on that mountain how really surprised right robert i'm the old man that you helped on that mountain my god very good robert from the first time we met i knew that you were a good man but i still need to challenge you because i want to be sure about you after all of the challenges in those rooms you could prove yourself as a kind guy who is always determined to help your villagers thank you my god could you please help my villagers to escape from this situation of course i have no reason to deny a good deed like that you have overcome all of the challenges and got four branches from the fairies you just need to go back and sew them to the ground everything will be solved thank you thank you so much that's all right you are really tired let me bring you back the god swung his head cloud appeared and brought robert back to his village after coming home robert quickly took the branches out and sewed them in the ground from that day the world had four clear seasons people no longer had to suffer the severe weather which badly affected their life anymore each fairy was in charge of managing one season in three months they could live a peaceful life focusing on their farming and animals raising everyone was really grateful with robert thanks to him they had been able to live comfortably and happily for the rest of their lives you .


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 The Story Of The Four Seasons  Bedtime Stories Story for Teenagers | REAL TIME STORY

Channel Name : WOA Fairy Tales -Every Day

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