Thumbelina The Little Fairy Bedtime Stories Story for  Teenagers

once upon a time there was a woman peasant who grew flowers for earning being alone for a long time made her eager to have someone to share her lonely life with this flower is so pretty and lonely just like me i wish someone would come and i wish that i had a daughter she could be great a little fairy heard her wish and she granted the woman a surprise a baby then the woman got pregnant and gave birth to a pretty tiny girl the girl is small like her mother's thumb so she was called thumbelina the mother happily put her on a flower that made the flower fresher and more beautiful she also made a tiny crib of chestnut put on some petals as a blanket for thumbelina thumbelina often played on pedal boats floating on a disc full of water time flew like wind thumbelina turned 20 but she was still the size of her mother's thumb however she never lost her love from her mother one night when thumbelina was deeply sleeping in her chestnut crib next to the window a frog suddenly appeared the frog carefully watched thumbelina and prepared a plan for her son's wedding this girl is so beautiful the best choice for my son's bride is here the next morning thumbelina's mother found out that her daughter had disappeared she tried to find her everywhere in the house but no clues were figured out she felt desperate speaking of the frog she took thumbelina to a huge pond where her frog family lived thumbelina was put on a big water lily's leaf the frog thought that thumbelina couldn't run away from her thumbelina woke up she gradually knew that she was kidnapped from now on you two are husband and wife i've prepared a room for you two in this mud palace thumbelina was frightened she firmly refused this planned wedding it was against her desire what are you doing i will never marry who kidnapped me the sun frog was embarrassed he jumped into water thumbelina wanted to leave this place she tried to escape by jumping from leaf to leaf in order to get on land but when she reached the last leaf the mother frog suddenly appeared shook the leaf on her head thumbelina fell off into the frog's hands the escape mission failed after that incident the frog family decided to put one of them watching thumbelina while the others prepared for the wedding you shall listen to my mom and become my wife i will give you the best things here flies worms butterflies anything you want just do not leave this place oh a little fish was swimming around under the leaf and heard the story he disagreed with that and wanted to save the little girl while the mother frog was decorating the lily leaves the sun frog was dozing off on a water lily flower then the little fish tried to bite off the leaf that thumbelino was sitting on thank you so much i will never forget this grace the leaf started floating away from the frog family till they realized they couldn't follow thumbelina anymore the leaves stopped by a strange land thumbelina was really happy that she had escaped from the frog family she got on land and looked for a way home after days it started snowing thumbelina was wandering in the jungle for food and somewhere to stay avoiding cold winter fortunately she found a little house and knocked a vole opened the door hello mrs vol i got lost and it's snowing please allow me to stay for some days avoiding harsh weather i will help you with the chores all right get inside there is a room for you the vole sympathized and agreed to let thumbelina stay for a while remember you need to help me with the chores as you said yes i understood when spring came a mole came to vole's house in the party thumbelina told them many interesting stories the mole looked at thumbelina eagerly this small girl looks like a delicious meal to her where did you get that delicious brat give her to me 30 knots no more oh no no no mrs mole i love her like she's one of my grands by the way what let me tell you this it's too good for you with 30 nuts if you disagree with it i will send some guys and destroy this house the vole sadly looked at thumbelina after the mole left the vole warned thumbelina about the small talk and told her to leave as soon as possible unfortunately the mole saw thumbelina hurriedly left the house how dare you sold me out vole all right no more nuts thumbelina stop i tell you to stop she angrily followed thumbelina on the way running thumbelina grabbed small rocks and threw on the mole that crack stop you hurted me this bad but didn't even say sorry the mole gradually got close to thumbelina but the small lady swiftly tricked the mole and got her stuck in a thorn bush thanks to the bush thumbelina got out of the mole's reach for now while running in the jungle thumbelina met an injured bird ah little girl please help i will pay you no matter what seeing the injured bird thumbelina decided to help him she walked the bird to a cave nearby she bandaged the bird's wounds carefully got him food and took care of him despite the risk of being caught by the mole fortunately the bird was fully healed after some days he was really happy thank you little girl you helped me out in the worst day of my life you seem worried how can i help you while thumbelina was thinking the mole got close she didn't know that many days passed but the mole was still chasing outside where are you thumbelina if i catched you don't cry don't regret thumbelina asked the bird for help please please help me out of here the bird carried the tiny girl and flew to the sky the mole astonished looked at thumbelina riding a bird flying away the bird brought thumbelina to a place full of flowers where the flowers were trying to compete their beauty and the birds sang all day long thumbelina was amazed by this beautiful scenery here when she was deeply falling in the floral fragrance a little boy stepped out of the most beautiful flower he looked alike thumbelina but a couple of little wings on his back hi there i'm eric the prince of this place may i get to know you are you new here oh hi prince eric i am thumbelina it's been something happened so i'm here sorry for being an intruder oh don't be shy please make yourself at home welcome to this beautiful floral place do you want to have a trip around oh please allow me prince eric immediately prince eric cast a spell and got thumbelina a couple of little pretty wings on her back thumbelina was amazed with the new thing they started flying around enjoying scenery and had funny talks prince eric hadn't met any cute and kind girl like thumbelina she also had the same thoughts for prince eric both of them gradually had feelings for each other thumbelina i just want you to know this in the very first moment our eyes met my heart has already decided that you will be the owner of this place for every single one of my breaths please let me know your feelings do you want to marry me i do but i want to meet my mom she's alone we did grow a beautiful floral garden could we move there anywhere you are then they flew finding a way back to thumbelina's house the mother was really happy when she could meet thumbelina again they together built a garish floral kingdom right on the mother's garden thumbelina and prince eric had an awesome wedding with the attendance of her mother flowers and birds you 


REAL TIME STORY | STORYTIME I will hope  u all are enjoy this story 


You can see this story in youtube also

Thumbelina The Little Fairy Bedtime Stories  Story for Teenagers | Real time story

Channel Name : WOA Fairy Tales -Every Day

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